Randy Smith

Randy Smith is a CPA who works in Higher Education Administration
Scouting Experience: 10 years as adult leader, Scout as a youth in both cubs and boy scouts.
Prior Scouting positions: Jamboree Assistant SM 2010, Assistant Scoutmaster, Merit Badge Counselor, Cubmaster, District Chairman.
Scouting Training: Woodbadge, fully trained SM, fully trained Cubmaster.
Scouting Recognitions: Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver, District Award of Merit, Assistant Scoutmaster of the Year, OA Bronze Buffalo, OA Brotherhood Member 2012.
Storytelling Workshop-Philmont Scout Ranch
I believe the workshop was very valuable to me as a scouting volunteer. As a novice in the storytelling arena, I can tell you that the instructors took the time to not only lecture, but also to educate. The members of the workshop learned skills that were new and different from what they had used before. In true scouting manner, the instructors put the EDGE principles of Explain, Demonstrate, Guide and Enable into practice with each of the participants.
(See Smith’s story that he shot, recorded and produced at the 2012 Philmont Scout Ranch Storytelling Workshop.)