Randy Piland

Thirty years as a photojournalist at four newspapers in Georgia, Massachusetts and Tennessee. Thirteen of those years as picture editor and senior photographer at The Tennessean in Nashville. While there he initiated the transition from film to digital, helped establish the use of their digital archive system and was the lead digital imaging trainer. Attended numerous professional workshops at the Poynter Institute, University of Missouri, UNC-CH as well as others, and has served on the multimedia team at Western Kentucky University’s annual Mountain Workshops. Helped establish and will serve on faculty for the 2011 BSA Photographic Workshops at Philmont, New Mexico. Came to Elon in 2005.
BS – Middle Tennessee State University
MA – Ohio University
Courses Taught
VIsual Storytelling
Corporate Publishing
iMedia Capstone
iMedia Fly-In (Cuba)
Leadership Positions
Faculty Fellow for Technology 2011, 2012NPPA, Region Six Associate Chair 2010-present
Grants Awarded
2007 Summer Fellowship Grant – A Study of Parallels within Visual Ethnography and Journalistic Storytelling – England
Professional Activities
Member of the National Press Photographers Association, the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and the Broadcast Educators Association
Service Activities
Phi Psi Cli Yearbook Advisor
NPPA Student Chapter Advisor
School of Communications Technology Committee
TLT Search Committee
Personal Information
Eagle Scout
2011 Faculty Excellence for Service and Leadership Award in the School of Communications 2010 Broadcast Educators Association Best of Festival Award, Faculty, Interactive Media Category